Javad Amini, a Christian convert who was recently arrested in Nowshahr by IRGC intelligence officers, was released on Wednesday, December 27, after ten days of detention on a bail of one billion tomans.“Mohabat News” - Javad Amini, a Christian citizen who was arrested in Nowshahr by IRGC intelligence officers and transferred to a detention center...
Mohsen Mokhtari and his wife Azita Ramezani, along with their two children, have been detained in Denizli, Turkey since October 21 and are at risk of deportation to Iran.“Mohabbat News” – Mohsen Mokhtari and his wife Azita Ramezani and their two children, 16-year-old Yona and 7-year-old Yoel, are in critical conditions in the refugee camp in the...
According to reports received from Iran, this Christian citizen was summoned to the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Karaj by telephone on November 5, and after appearing, he was notified of his ten-year prison sentence by Judge Mostafa Narimani.
Three weeks without news about the situation of Nowshahr Christian converts after their re-arrest
According to the Article 18 Organization, Jahangir Alikhani, Hamed Malamiri and Gholam Ishaqi, three Christian converts who were arrested by IRGC intelligence agents in Nowshahr on the 2nd and 3rd of October 1403, have been detained in an unknown location for more than three weeks. Despite repeated follow-ups by the families of these Christian...
was arrested by the Ministry of Intelligence in Shiraz.According to reports received by the "Article 18" organization, this Christian citizen was transferred to the detention center number one hundred (100) after his arrest. This detention center operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Intelligence and is located near Adelabad...
The Truth-Finding Committee: Indiscriminate and disproportionate suppression of minorities in Iran
In a report published on August 15, the United Nations Fact-Finding Committee announced that ethnic and religious minorities in Iran, especially the Kurds and Baluchis, were "indiscriminately and disproportionately" targeted by government repression during the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement. have taken The report emphasizes that the repression of...
According to reports, Laleh Saati, a Christian citizen imprisoned in Evin, was interrogated again on Saturday, August 6th.
The website of human rights in Iran added that Mrs. Saati, "About 8 days ago, she was transferred to Ward 209 of the Ministry of Information and for a while by the interrogators of that security agency regarding the news...
According to the reports received by the Article 18 organization, Hakup Gochomian, an Armenian citizen, who was arrested in Iran last summer, and is imprisoned in Evin prison, on the charge of "deviant educational and propaganda activities contrary to the holy Islamic law through membership and orientation of the Christian network" Tabshiri in the...
"Children arrested during Christmas celebrations," "an elderly, sick mother deprived of her son's care," "families learning about the government-sanctioned murder of their loved ones," "a sick child who spends their life without their imprisoned father"—these are part of the ongoing cycle of pain and suffering endured by Christian converts and...
**Global Religious Freedom Summit in Washington; "The Islamic Republic Represses Religious and Ethnic Minorities"**
The annual Global Religious Freedom Summit took place on January 30-31 in Washington, D.C., aiming to "create a powerful coalition of organizations working together for religious freedom worldwide."
The summit, which included former...