God filled my inner lack!
I was born into a non-Christian family and have one sister and one brother. Due to marital issues, my father married another woman who had eight children, without divorcing my mother. When I was nine, my mother passed away. After my older brother and sister got married, I felt very lonely, and nothing seemed to fill the emptiness within me.
Because of the broken state of my family and the lack of guidance and purpose in my life, I turned to smoking at the age of fifteen, and gradually to hashish, opium, and alcohol. In my teenage years, I took up tailoring as a profession and quickly became successful, earning good money. However, I spent all my earnings on drinking with my friends. Throughout my life, I tried to help others, but my motivations were not for God’s sake; rather, it was to seek attention and recognition.
After some time, I met a girl, and we got married. I thought that marriage would end my loneliness and fill the void I felt, but it didn’t take long for me to return to drinking and using drugs. Several years passed, and I was able to start a manufacturing business, which became very successful. I thought this success would satisfy me, but it didn’t. I spent my money gambling through the nights. Among my friends were some involved in political groups. One day, while traveling to another town to buy fabric, the authorities became suspicious of me, and I was arrested and imprisoned for a month. Two months after my release, one of my political friends was arrested, and fearing for my safety, I was forced to flee Iran and settle in another country.
At first, life in that country was tough due to language barriers and loneliness. However, after some time, I resumed tailoring and, unfortunately, fell back into my old habits with a new group of bad influences. I still felt the same emptiness and drowned myself in smoking and drinking. One day, while fishing, I met an Iranian Christian who invited me to church. For a while, my family and I attended church, but it didn’t mean anything to me. I made many friends at the church and enjoyed serving them, but my motives were still self-centered.
After some time, my wife became increasingly interested in going to church. She asked me one day, “I’ve come to like church. Would you mind if I got baptized?” I replied, “It’s up to you.” After her baptism, I sank further into alcohol and could no longer work or provide for my family, resorting to selling our belongings. I blamed my wife for our misfortunes. There was constant conflict in our family, not because of her becoming a Christian, but due to my selfishness. I often fought with my wife and children, but they endured me with love. Sometimes, I would go to the church members and criticize them, yet they would remain silent. One day, I went to the pastor of the church and angrily accused him of being responsible for all our problems. After that, I forbade my family from going to church, but they never argued with me.
Gradually, I began to wonder what made them so patient and loving toward me. I realized there must be something real and genuine within them to act this way. I started to feel remorseful for my actions and, in a way, my family had shamed me into reflecting on myself. I was too embarrassed to return to church until some members came to visit me and invited me back. I returned to church, but my heart was still full of sin, addiction, and the influence of Satan. I had no solution for my problems.
One day, three friends from the church visited me and talked about God. They asked, “Do you accept Jesus Christ as Lord?” I couldn’t answer and felt very unwell. They continued, “Repent and accept Jesus Christ so that Satan will leave you.” Though it was hard at first, I finally cried out, “Jesus Christ, you are my Father. I surrender myself to you. Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave me!” For about half an hour, I felt dizzy and unwell, but eventually, Satan left me. Now, I strive to stay close to God’s Word. I have learned through experience that with God’s Word and prayer, Satan flees from me. The emptiness I had felt since childhood has been filled by God’s love and presence. I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father for His grace and kindness.